This is probably the greatest thing to happen in my life – to be able to share this with you. Isn’t that fantastic? You can just push a little tree out of your brush like that. You can spend all day playing with mountains.

Just think about these things in your mind – then bring them into your world. Now it’s beginning to make a little sense. They say everything looks better with odd numbers of things. But sometimes I put even numbers—just to upset the critics. I spend a lot of time walking around in the woods and talking to trees, and squirrels, and little rabbits and stuff. I want everbody to be happy. That’s what it’s all about.

Garlic Pasta

Gingerbread pudding donut bear claw jelly-o. Topping brownie chocolate cake caramels dessert cake cake. Bonbon powder apple pie marshmallow. Oat cake lollipop tiramisu chocolate bonbon soufflé candy.

Bear claw sugar plum marzipan lollipop carrot cake tart macaroon chocolate bar cupcake. Cookie cupcake cookie chocolate cake. Tootsie roll bear claw caramels chocolate cake. Toffee gingerbread caramels lemon drops jujubes apple pie.

Powder toffee soufflé danish cake. Wafer marshmallow gingerbread cupcake marshmallow chocolate cake. Ice cream sweet danish gummi bears biscuit carrot cake gingerbread macaroon.

  • 1 pkt pasta
  • 1 ltr boiling water
  • 1 pinch salt
  • 3 cloves garlic (chopped)
  • 250 grams butter
  1. Gingerbread pudding donut bear claw jelly-o. Topping brownie chocolate cake caramels dessert cake cake. Bonbon powder apple pie marshmallow. Oat cake lollipop tiramisu chocolate bonbon soufflé candy.

    Bear claw sugar plum marzipan lollipop carrot cake tart macaroon chocolate bar cupcake. Cookie cupcake cookie chocolate cake. Tootsie roll bear claw caramels chocolate cake. Toffee gingerbread caramels lemon drops jujubes apple pie.

    Powder toffee soufflé danish cake. Wafer marshmallow gingerbread cupcake marshmallow chocolate cake. Ice cream sweet danish gummi bears biscuit carrot cake gingerbread macaroon.

Use what you see, don’t plan it. Let’s give him a friend too. Everybody needs a friend. And right there you got an almighty cloud. Automatically, all of these beautiful, beautiful things will happen. We wash our brush with odorless thinner. That’s what makes life fun. That you can make these decisions. That you can create the world that you want.

I guess I’m a little weird. I like to talk to trees and animals. That’s okay though; I have more fun than most people. This is unplanned it really just happens. You can do anything your heart can imagine. We can fix anything.

We tell people sometimes: we’re like drug dealers, come into town and get everybody absolutely addicted to painting. It doesn’t take much to get you addicted. Trees get lonely too, so we’ll give him a little friend. See there, told you that would be easy. And maybe, maybe, maybe… All you have to learn here is how to have fun. If you don’t like it – change it. It’s your world.

This piece of canvas is your world. You have to make those little noises or it won’t work. Maybe, just to play a little, we’ll put a little tree here. Work that paint. Work on one thing at a time. Don’t get carried away – we have plenty of time. Let’s make a happy little mountain now.

All you need to paint is a few tools, a little instruction, and a vision in your mind. And just raise cain. Let your imagination be your guide. Use absolutely no pressure. Just like an angel’s wing. This is a happy place, little squirrels live here and play. Just go back and put one little more happy tree in there.